Monday, April 21, 2008

Be Cool

What is Cool ?

Words that come to mind:

Self Confidence
Young Personality

I've participated with the masters of this "Zen" state Internationally, the common elements are in the end very simple. The glue that holds this euphoric stream of energy is in each one of us. The trick is to kick the shit out of your other personality and put the cool kid in the drivers seat.

I suggest a 7day experiment:

1. Walk Slow an Confident, Breath Slow an speak with Confidence, OOOZE out Confidence "Yes", No Problem" an "I can"
2. Smile as WIDE as you can to everyone you see..." Even people who smile with no teeth are cool" Get Ridiculous---
(At that moment, really feel happy- " fake it till you make it")
3. Dress the very best you can- Turn it up- we all have our own style express yours
4. Make people laugh (make em laugh hard) Tickle if you must- " Be the exception to the norm" have everyone you encounter from the gas attendant, shoe shiner, landscaper, or police officer laughing....
5. Dance anytime you hear good news--- " Got a Raise " Dance "Parking Spot" Dance " Green Light" Dance "Wife is cooking Pasta" Dance - Take your significant other out to dance in the middle of the week. If no one else is dancing in the bar/ then the spotlight is all yours. Single people go dance with other single people...
6. Listen to your favorite Music loud all week..."Get Crazy"
7. Exercise harder then you ever have an eat healthy---- NO SODA,CANDY, ICE CREAM
8. Watch a child run around. Remember what it was like to run wild...promise to yourself never to let that part of you die. (We all struggle to grasp Infinite Time - but think for a moment is 80 really that old in comparison to the Universe. We are Spring Chickens till death!
9. Dream of your ultimate life, then immediatly start living it- become you.
10. In conversation do not take your eyes off the person you are speaking with. Look intensely into someones eyes and simply listen. An for Christ sakes do NOT GOSSIP!! Its the plague, gossip only makes the gossiper more insecure of what others may think of them. Free yourself of ENVY,JEALOUSY,HATE an other heinous thoughts this past time provokes.

Keep your head extra high this week...your going to want everyone to get a clear look at your face.

Please report back....

Best Regards,